RUSH 26 Watermark Creative 12 Starship Animal Check Ups & Magical Forest

  • Pou Auaha / Creative Director
    Terry Williams-Willcock
  • Ringatoi Matua / Design Director
    Stephen Horner
  • Ngā Kaimahi / Team Members
    Maryna Babych, Edmund Zurita, Simon Shaw, David Way, Shannon Jahnel Lanktree, Nick Harris
Judge's comments:

For parents and kids, a hospital can be a stressful environment. Young patients are some of our most vulnerable, which was acknowledged in the projects’ objective and outcomes – to relieve stress and demystify the experience for both young patients and their parents. The team delivered a delightful experience that combined interactive technology and immersive design to help children be calmer and teach them about having their temperature taken, their pulse read and their throats examined by Doctor’s. The design process had the user at the centre from start to finish, involving testing and prototyping the solution with core audiences. With a goal to increase smiles, the Starship experience is easy to use and has changed behaviours – with children and families calmer, and kids having fun before they see the doctor.